Hi, my name is Kally and I am a beautiful torbie. That means I have the exotic black and orange markings of a tortiseshell enhanced by tiger stripes, all rimmed in white. They say I’m quite a looker.
Purr…purr…purr. That’s my answer to just about everything. When I am on your lap, I will knead with my feet and head-butt you, always ready to give out kitty kisses. And don’t be surprised if I sneak in some little love nibbles. All the while my motor will be running!
My spiral toy is my favorite but I'll give just about any toy a try. I am also quite a little busybody, I want to know what's going on everywhere at all times. Still, I am very sweet and know when to keep my claws in, even when I am playing with your feet - one of my favorite activities. I Iike the cats that I've met so far and hope that if my family has one, we can be friends too I have gotten used to two dogs so far, so I'm sure I will get along with another, willing, one.
I would love to have a new home now, in the new year. I'm ready! Make an appointment to meet me and see for yourself how sweet I am.