
C.A.R.E. Mission Statement

Cat Adoption and Rescue Efforts, Inc. (C.A.R.E.) is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to the rehabilitation, care and adoption of cats and kittens rescued from euthanizing animal shelters in Richmond, VA and surrounding areas.  And, accepts on a limited basis, animals from alternative sources.  We are committed to the highest principles of humane care and obtain professional medical treatment for all animals in our systems.

About Us

Cat Adoption and Rescue Efforts, Inc. was incorporated on September 25, 2001.  Since 2001, CARE has rescued over 8,000 cats and kittens who were given medical care, altered and placed in permanent homes.

All cats and kittens that are taken into the CARE system are evaluated to be a suitable pet and are fostered in a volunteer’s home until they are ready for adoption.   We do not have a shelter.  Our fosters live with and get to know each cat and can advise you of their temperament and personality.  We take the time to talk with you and match the right cat for your family. You will not be “sold” on any cat by a random volunteer. The right fit is essential for the adopter and the cat.   Adoption is a committment to the cat for its lifetime and we take that seriously to ensure that all parties are happy, including the cat.

Everyone at CARE is a volunteer that is spending their personal time to help find homes for abandoned cats and kittens. We do not have paid staff. Because we are continually working on responding to applications, the huge number of requests to surrender pets, take in abandoned felines and requests for help with behavior problems, please be respectful that it may take a little longer to process your application or to reply to your inquiry. If you have not heard back from us in a few days, please let us know via the online contact form. After adoption, we are always here to answer any questions and help as needed.  When you adopt from CARE, you become part of our adoptive family!

CARE does not have the ability to manage feral cats, please see our online resources section for info on help with feral cats.  Occasionally, we do place barn or “working” cats.