Diki was born as part of a litter of 8 kittens on 7/27/2020. He is a gray, male tabby and is one of 3 males in his litter.
Diki was "fixed" 10/6/2020 and has had his dewormer, but he is not old enough for rabies yet. He is just over 3 pounds as of 10/10/2020.
He is the biggest of his litter. Diki might be the sweetest of the 8 kittens (but it is hard to decide). He gets along with everyone and has met our next door neighbor's puppy and tolerated sniffing. He also met our house cats and one other adult male cat. He will show interest and invite others to play and if the other cat is not interested he will back up and find something else to do.
Diki is the sweetest, because he is the most cuddly. He is often the first kitten to approach a new adult and he will curl up in a ball, purr and just fall asleep. He likes to look lovingly into your eyes and cuddle.
Diki is so much fun to play with. He likes to chase toys and play with other cats. He is litter box trained with no accidents. He is a joy and will make a great house cat.
All adoptions require an online application at https://care-cats.org first.